'Design City': The Common Denominator
'Cleveland Design City' has a new web presence for the community of architecture, design, and urban webloggers in Cleveland, www.clevelanddesigncity.blogspot.com (also, click on the sidebar logo to be directed to the webpage). The new page is the result of the input and efforts (and continued refinement) of its community members. Its ultimate intent is to provide a common link among like-visioned individuals and to establish a physical home for the written contributions to Cleveland design commentary and criticism.
From the "Cleveland Design City" weblog home:
"While Cleveland's history of embracing progress and opportunity inspires visionaries of the present day, the recent establishment has stifled the advancement of independent thought that challenges the status quo.
The Design City is an open forum for comment and criticism. The Design City promotes the spirit of competition and innovation. The Design City is a groundswell of creative thought... Only through the continued perseverance of idea-minded individuals to meet these goals will Cleveland become the next Design City.
To have your voice heard, contribute your architecture, design, or urbanities weblog to the 'Cleveland Design City' online community. Contact any of the contributing blogs for information about joining."
From the "Cleveland Design City" weblog home:
"While Cleveland's history of embracing progress and opportunity inspires visionaries of the present day, the recent establishment has stifled the advancement of independent thought that challenges the status quo.
The Design City is an open forum for comment and criticism. The Design City promotes the spirit of competition and innovation. The Design City is a groundswell of creative thought... Only through the continued perseverance of idea-minded individuals to meet these goals will Cleveland become the next Design City.
To have your voice heard, contribute your architecture, design, or urbanities weblog to the 'Cleveland Design City' online community. Contact any of the contributing blogs for information about joining."